
Latest German Pension Changes: The New Reform

Germany’s pension system is undergoing significant reforms in response to the challenges posed by an aging population and increasing economic pressures. As the number of retirees grows and the ratio of workers to pensioners decreases, the government has introduced new measures to ensure the sustainability of pension benefits. In this article, we’re going to explore the latest German pension changes, analyzing their implications for both current and future participants.

1. Recent German Pension Changes in Pension Laws

The New Sovereign Wealth Fund

One of the most notable developments in the recent German pension changes is the creation of a New Sovereign Wealth Fund. This initiative aims to relieve the long-term burden on contributors by building a permanent capital stock through the purchase of global capital assets. The fund will be financed by loans from the federal budget and transfers of government funds. As an initial step, the government plans to take on €12.5 billion in debt this year to establish the so-called Generational Capital, which will be invested in capital markets.

Over time, the fund’s value is expected to grow by 3% annually, aligned with projected wage growth, with €15 billion planned by 2028. By 2036, the goal is to accumulate a capital stock of €200 billion. The returns from these investments will enable annual distributions of €10 billion to the pension insurance scheme, thereby supporting the sustainability of pension payments under the new German pension system. To safeguard these distributions, a security buffer will be set up to protect the assets, particularly the loan amounts.

“It is long overdue that we use the opportunities of the capital markets for statutory pension insurance,” said Finance Minister Christian Lindner, emphasizing that this approach should have been adopted two decades ago.

Woman with a computer

Pension Contributions and Adjustments

The recent German pension changes also affect contribution rates, which have been stable at 18.6% since 2018. To address the growing financial strain on the pension system, the government has planned gradual increases in contributions. Starting in 2028, the rate will rise to 20%, with a further increase to 22.3% by 2035. These German pension reform is aimed at balancing the pension system’s finances while keeping the burden on current workers manageable. Despite these increases, the government assures that these contributions will remain stable until 2045.

Couple checking document


Pension Level Guarantee

In order to protect retirees from the potential erosion of their pension benefits, the government has introduced a “level protection clause” under the new German pension changes, which guarantees the pension level will not fall below 48% of the average wage until 2040. This provision is a critical component of the reform, as it aims to maintain the purchasing power of pensions in the face of economic fluctuations and demographic changes. By anchoring the pension level to wage trends, the government seeks to provide a reliable income for retirees, ensuring their financial security under the new German pension reform.

2. Implications for Current and Future Participants

Impact on Current Retirees

The recent German pension changes are designed to provide stability and security for current retirees. With the introduction of the New Sovereign Wealth Fund, the government plans to ensure that pensions remain closely tied to wage growth. This means that retirees can expect their pension payments to maintain purchasing power, even as economic conditions fluctuate. The establishment of a capital stock and the implementation of the level protection clause further safeguard the financial well-being of current retirees. These measures are designed to prevent any significant reduction in pension benefits, providing a sense of security for those who are already retired.

Implications for Future Retirees

For future retirees, the German pension reform carries both opportunities and challenges. On one hand, the New Sovereign Wealth Fund promises to stabilize the pension system, potentially leading to more predictable and secure retirement benefits. On the other hand, the planned increase in contribution rates could place a heavier financial burden on younger workers. Starting in 2028, contributions are set to rise from 18.6% to 20%, with further increases to 22.3% by 2035. This could impact disposable income for working individuals, particularly those in the early stages of their careers. Additionally, there is ongoing debate about whether the retirement age should be further increased beyond the planned rise to 67 by 2029, as a way to alleviate pressure on the pension system under the new German pension changes.

Couple looking at pension plans

Private vs. Public Pension Options

As the public pension system undergoes pension changes, the role of private pensions is becoming increasingly important. While the statutory pension remains the backbone of retirement security for most Germans, private pension plans offer an additional layer of financial protection. The government has not made it mandatory for all workers to contribute to private pension schemes, but there is growing discussion around this topic. Some political voices suggest that mandatory inclusion of all workers, including self-employed individuals and civil servants, could further strengthen the overall pension system. However, this proposal is met with resistance, particularly from those who prefer to rely on personal savings or alternative investment strategies. You can find further information on pension plans on this link.

3. The Financial and Social Implications of the New Pension reform

Economic Impact

The introduction of the New Sovereign Wealth Fund marks a significant shift in how Germany’s pension system is financed. By investing in global capital markets, the government aims to generate returns that will help sustain pension payments without overly burdening the federal budget. However, this approach comes with inherent risks, as market fluctuations could impact the fund’s performance. The decision to fund the Sovereign Wealth Fund through federal debt also raises concerns about long-term economic sustainability, particularly in an environment of rising interest rates and global economic uncertainty under these German pension changes.

Person on the debate table

Social Considerations

Socially, the German pension changes have sparked considerable debate. On one hand, the promise of stable pensions and the creation of a financial buffer for future retirees are seen as positive developments. On the other hand, the increasing reliance on capital market investments has raised questions about the equity of the pension system. Critics argue that those with higher incomes, who are better able to invest in private pension plans, may benefit disproportionately from the new system, while lower-income workers could face greater financial strain due to higher contribution rates. Additionally, the impact on future generations, who will bear the brunt of the increased contributions, is a major point of contention under these pension changes.

Public Reception and Political Reactions

The German pension changes have also elicited mixed reactions from the public and political leaders. While some view the New Sovereign Wealth Fund as a necessary step to ensure the long-term viability of the pension system, others are skeptical of its effectiveness. The ruling coalition has faced criticism from opposition parties, particularly the Christian Democrats (CDU), who argue that the plan does not go far enough in securing pension stability. They also express concerns about the risks associated with investing in the capital markets. Meanwhile, left-leaning politicians and populist parties have voiced concerns that the reforms could exacerbate income inequality and place an undue burden on future generations. You can read further news on this link.

Potential Revisions to the Current Plan

Given the criticisms and ongoing debate, it is likely that the current pension reform plan will undergo revisions before it is fully implemented (you can find more information here). Some lawmakers have called for more rigorous safeguards to protect the Sovereign Wealth Fund from market volatility, while others advocate for a more comprehensive approach that includes both public and private sector reforms. The government has expressed a willingness to consider adjustments, particularly in response to concerns about the long-term financial burden on younger generations. The final form of the legislation will likely reflect a compromise between the various political and social interests involved in shaping the German pension changes.

All in all, Germany’s recent pension reforms represent a bold attempt to address the pressing challenges of an aging population and a shrinking workforce. The introduction of the New Sovereign Wealth Fund, along with adjustments to contribution rates and the pension level guarantee, are central to the government’s strategy to ensure the system’s sustainability. As the legislation moves forward, it will be important to monitor how these German pension changes are implemented and whether they succeed in securing a stable and fair pension system for all Germans.

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Self-Employed Pension in Germany for Expats

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Pension planning is a crucial aspect of financial management for self-employed expats living in Germany. Unlike employees who benefit from employer contributions to their pension plans, self-employed individuals must take full responsibility for their retirement savings. For expats, the process can be even more complex due to differences in the pension systems across countries. In this article, we’re going to explain the essentials you need to know to make informed decisions and secure a financial future with your self-employed pension in Germany.

1. Eligibility For Self-Employed Pension In Germany

Participation in the public pension scheme is not mandatory for all self-employed individuals. For expats, the first step in pension planning is understanding whether they are eligible for this system and the benefits it offers. While many self-employed individuals in Germany can voluntarily opt into the public pension system, the rules can vary depending on the type of self-employment. Expats should carefully review these rules to determine if this option aligns with their retirement goals. Those who opt-in will need to contribute a percentage of their income to the pension system, with the potential to receive pension payments upon reaching retirement age through their self-employed pension in Germany.


2. Pension Options for Self-Employed Expats

There are different options for expats considering self-employed pension plans in Germany.

Voluntary Participation in the German Public Pension Scheme 

One option available to self-employed expats is voluntary participation in the German public pension scheme. This can be particularly advantageous for those who plan to stay in Germany long-term. The main benefit of this option is the security of receiving a guaranteed pension payout upon retirement. However, the downside is that contributions can be relatively high, and the system is not very flexible. You can find further information on German pension schemes on this link.
Coins, hand and notebook
Happy girl smiling with her computer

Private Pension Plans 

For expats who prefer more control over their retirement savings, private pension plans are a viable alternative. These plans, which include Riester and Rürup pensions, offer tax benefits and the potential for higher returns compared to the public pension system. Each type of plan has its own advantages and disadvantages, which expats should consider based on their financial situation and retirement goals when setting up a self-employed pension in Germany. On this link you will find more information on the different private pension plans we offer.

International Pension Plans 

Expats who anticipate moving to another country in the future may find international pension plans more suitable. These plans are designed to be portable, allowing the policyholder to continue contributing and receiving benefits regardless of their location. This flexibility makes international pension plans an attractive option for globally mobile individuals, which can complement a self-employed pension in Germany.

Self-Invested Pension Plans (SIPPs)

 Self-Invested Pension Plans (SIPPs) are a type of personal pension plan that offers individuals greater control over how their retirement funds are invested. SIPPs are popular among self-employed expats who prefer to manage their own investments or who want access to a wider range of investment options than those available through traditional pension plans. These can be a critical part of a self-employed pension strategy in Germany. SIPPs allow you to choose and manage a variety of investments within your pension plan, including stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and property. This flexibility can potentially lead to higher returns, but it also requires a certain level of financial knowledge and a willingness to actively manage the investments.

Woman with a computer using a calculator
Figures representing a family, a house and a car

Occupational Pensions

 While occupational pensions are typically associated with employees, self-employed individuals in Germany have the option to set up their own occupational pension schemes. This can be particularly beneficial for those who run a business with employees or who anticipate growing their business in the future.

Occupational pensions for the self-employed involve setting up a pension scheme that you and potentially your employees can contribute to. These schemes can provide significant tax advantages, as contributions may be tax-deductible. Additionally, occupational pensions can be an attractive benefit if you have employees, helping to attract and retain talent.

3. Finding Affordable Pension Plans

These are the key factors you should consider when choosing a provider for your self-employed pension in Germany:

  • Fees and charges: Analyze the fee structure, including management fees, administration fees, and any other charges that may apply. Lower fees can have a significant impact on your pension savings over time.
  • Flexibility: Consider the flexibility of the plan in terms of contribution amounts, withdrawal options, and the ability to switch investments within the plan. This is particularly important for expats who may need to adapt their self-employed pension in Germany to changing circumstances.
  • Customer service: Evaluate the quality of customer service provided by the pension provider. Reliable and accessible customer support can make managing your pension plan much easier, especially if you encounter issues or need assistance with your account.
  • Tax efficiency: Assess the tax benefits associated with each provider’s plans, as some may offer better tax advantages than others, particularly if you are contributing from abroad or planning to retire outside of Germany. You can also check out the German Federal Ministry of Finance’s official website, which includes information on tax regulations and financial planning.
Coins on a table

Utilizing Financial Advisors

Given the complexity of pension planning, especially for expats, consulting a financial advisor can be a wise decision. An experienced advisor can help you navigate the various pension options, optimize your tax situation, and ensure that your plan aligns with your long-term financial goals regarding your self-employed pension in Germany.
Not all financial advisors have experience working with expats, so it’s crucial to find one who understands the unique challenges you face, such as dealing with multiple currencies, tax jurisdictions and the possibility of future relocations. An advisor with this expertise can help you choose a pension plan that is both tax-efficient and flexible, ensuring it can adapt to your changing circumstances.

4. Common Mistakes to Avoid

Not Starting Early 

One of the biggest mistakes self-employed expats make is delaying their pension planning. The earlier you start, the more time your investments have to grow, and the more financially secure you will be in retirement. Waiting too long can limit your options and require larger contributions to meet your retirement goals for a self-employed pension in Germany.

Ignoring Currency Fluctuations 

For expats, currency fluctuations can have a significant impact on pension savings, especially if you plan to retire in a country with a different currency. It’s important to consider how exchange rates might affect your pension’s value and explore options to mitigate this risk and protect your self-employed pension in Germany, such as holding pension assets in multiple currencies.

Overlooking Tax Implications 

Tax considerations are a crucial part of pension planning, but they can be complex for expats due to different tax laws in Germany and their home countries. Overlooking tax implications can lead to unexpected liabilities or missed opportunities for tax relief. It’s advisable to seek professional advice to ensure your pension plan is tax-efficient.

Not Considering Future Mobility 

For many expats, the possibility of moving to another country in the future is a reality. Failing to consider future mobility can significantly impact your pension planning. If you plan to relocate, you’ll need to ensure that your pension plan is portable and that it aligns with the pension regulations of your potential future country of residence. International pension plans or SIPPs, which offer greater flexibility, might be better suited for those who anticipate moving between countries.

In conclusion, by understanding your options and taking proactive steps to secure your financial future, you can enjoy the benefits of living in Germany while ensuring a comfortable and well-funded retirement. Remember, the sooner you start, the better positioned you will be to achieve your retirement goals with your self-employed pension in Germany. If you require any further guidance or assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We now have a live chat feature available on every page! If you have any questions, just click to start a conversation, and our team will be happy to assist you shortly.

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It was a brilliant experience with MW expat. Right from filling up my details online, receiving a prompt call to book an appointment for detailed discussions of my needs to finally having a zoom call to talk to an advisor face to face was quick efficient, and re-assuring. I had the privilege to talk to Adriana Gonzalez, who was nothing short of brilliant. She was extremely composed, utterly professional, and very helpful.

Choosing the Right Pension Plan in Germany

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Planning for retirement is one of the most important financial decisions you’ll make in your lifetime. The decisions you make today will directly impact your financial security in the future. A well-chosen pension plan can provide peace of mind, knowing that your retirement years will be financially secure. With an array of options available, choosing the right pension plan in Germany can seem overwhelming, but understanding your options is the first step to ensuring a comfortable retirement.

1. Finding the Right Pension Plan in Germany

A pension plan is a retirement savings program that allows you to accumulate funds over time, which are then paid out as a regular income after you retire.

Germany’s pension system is comprehensive, offering various options to ensure financial security in retirement. The primary categories include the state-subsidized pension schemes like Riester Rente and Basis Rente (also known as Rürup Rente), company pension schemes (Betriebliche Altersvorsorge, bAV), and private pension plans. Each of these has its own benefits, contribution requirements and potential payouts. Understanding these options is essential for choosing the right pension plan in Germany to suit your needs. You can find further information about Germany’s pension schemes here.

Couple looking into pension plans
Notebook that says "pension plan"

2. Overview of pension plans as a key retirement tool

Pension plans are designed to provide a steady income stream during retirement, acting as a crucial component of a comprehensive retirement strategy. They can help replace a portion of your pre-retirement income, ensuring you can maintain your lifestyle even after you stop working. 

Therefore, selecting the right pension plan in Germany plays a vital role in securing your financial future. They provide a structured way to save and invest for retirement, often with tax advantages that make them an attractive option. Additionally, many employers offer matching contributions, which can significantly boost your retirement savings. All in all, it’s essential to choose the right pension plan in Germany that aligns with your financial goals, risk tolerance and retirement timeline. By investing in a pension plan, you’re ensuring that you have a reliable source of income in retirement, reducing the risk of outliving your savings.

3. Factors to Consider When Choosing a Pension Plan

We understand that choosing from a wide range of unfamiliar pension schemes can be challenging and it’s normal to feel overwhelmed. That’s why we want to share the key factors you should take into account when selecting the right pension plan in Germany:

State-sponsored vs. private pension plans

In order to choose the right pension plan in Germany, one of the most fundamental choices is between state-subsidized plans and private pension options. State-subsidized pension plans are designed to encourage savings by offering significant tax benefits and government incentives.

 For instance, the Riester Rente provides direct subsidies and tax deductions, making it a popular choice for employees, especially those with families. The Basis Rente, also known as the Rürup Rente, is particularly attractive for self-employed individuals and high-income earners, offering substantial tax deductions on contributions. These state-subsidized plans are appealing due to their security and guaranteed benefits, which are backed by the government. However, they also come with certain restrictions, such as predefined contribution limits and fixed retirement ages.

On the other hand, private pension plans offer greater flexibility and control over your retirement savings. These plans are not subsidized by the government but allow for a broader range of investment choices and adjustable contribution levels. Private pensions can be tailored to fit individual needs, making them ideal for those who want more control over how their money is invested. While private plans may involve higher fees and greater exposure to market risks, they also offer the potential for higher returns, particularly for those who are financially savvy and willing to take on more risk. Ultimately, the choice between state-sponsored and private pensions depends on your personal preferences, financial situation, and long-term retirement goals

Low, medium and high risk

Risk tolerance

Risk tolerance is a crucial factor in choosing the right pension plan in Germany. It refers to your ability and willingness to endure fluctuations in the value of your investments. If you have a low-risk tolerance, you might prefer the stability and predictability of state-subsidized plans like the Riester Rente or company pension schemes (bAV). These plans typically offer guaranteed returns and are less vulnerable to market volatility, making them suitable for individuals who are risk-averse or nearing retirement age.

Conversely, if you have a higher risk tolerance, you might be more comfortable with private pension plans that are often linked to the performance of the financial markets. While these plans come with the potential for greater returns, they also carry a higher risk of loss, particularly in the short term.

Financial goals and retirement age

 Your financial goals and expected retirement age are critical when choosing the right pension plan in Germany. If your goal is to retire early, for example, you’ll need to select a plan that allows for accelerated savings and provides sufficient income to sustain you throughout a potentially longer retirement period. State-subsidized plans like Riester and Basis Rente often have defined retirement ages that align with the statutory retirement age in Germany, usually around 67 years. These plans are structured to provide steady income at a later stage in life and may impose penalties for early withdrawal.

Happy couple

In contrast, private pension plans offer more flexibility regarding withdrawal timing, allowing you to tailor your retirement plan to your personal goals. If you aim to retire early or have specific financial milestones you want to achieve before retirement, a private plan might better suit your needs. Additionally, private plans can be more adaptable to changes in your financial situation, offering options to adjust contributions and investment strategies as you move closer to your retirement date. Aligning your pension plan with your financial goals ensures that you have the necessary resources to enjoy a comfortable retirement.

Woman with a calculator

Fees and costs

All pension plans come with fees and costs, which can significantly impact your retirement savings over time. Understanding how fees will affect your overall savings is crucial when evaluating the right pension plan in GermanyState-subsidized pension plans generally have lower fees, particularly when offered through employer-sponsored schemes like the bAV. These plans benefit from economies of scale, meaning administrative and management fees are spread across many participants, reducing individual costs. Additionally, the tax advantages associated with these plans can further offset fees, making them a cost-effective option for many savers. 

However, private pension plans often involve higher fees, especially if they include actively managed investments or complex financial products. These fees can include management fees, administrative fees, and sometimes advisory fees. While private plans offer more investment options and potential for higher returns, the associated costs can erode your savings over time, particularly if they are not carefully managed. It’s essential to review the fee structure of any pension plan before committing, ensuring that the benefits outweigh the costs. Comparing the total cost of ownership over the life of the plan can help you make an informed decision that maximizes your retirement savings.

Investment options

The variety of investment options available within a pension plan is another critical factor to consider. State-subsidized pension plans and company pension schemes often have a more limited range of investment choices, typically focusing on low-risk, stable investments that aim to preserve capital and provide steady returns. This approach is ideal for those who prefer security and predictability in their retirement savings.

On the other hand, private pension plans offer a broader range of investment opportunities, including stocks, bonds, mutual funds and other financial instruments. This diversity allows you to tailor your portfolio according to your risk tolerance, investment horizon, and financial goals.

Screen with investment options

In conclusion, choosing the right pension plan in Germany is a critical step toward securing a comfortable and financially stable retirement. By understanding the different types of pension plans, assessing your risk tolerance, aligning the plan with your financial goals, and carefully considering fees and investment options, you can make an informed decision that meets your long-term needs. Whether you opt for an employer-sponsored plan, a private plan, or a combination of both, the key is to start early and stay consistent with your contributions. 

With the right strategy in place, you can look forward to enjoying your retirement years with peace of mind. We’re excited to announce that we now have a live chat feature available on every page! If you have any questions, just click to start a conversation, and our team will be happy to assist you shortly.

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I have appointed with Alex as the to-go person for all matters. Honestly he is providing the best service someone can get in Germany, solving problems literally in minutes! Highly recommend MW Expat Solution!
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It was a brilliant experience with MW expat. Right from filling up my details online, receiving a prompt call to book an appointment for detailed discussions of my needs to finally having a zoom call to talk to an advisor face to face was quick efficient, and re-assuring. I had the privilege to talk to Adriana Gonzalez, who was nothing short of brilliant. She was extremely composed, utterly professional, and very helpful.

German Pension Payout: What You Can Expect to Receive

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Germany’s pension system is widely recognized for its robustness and reliability, providing financial stability to retirees. However, planning for retirement in a new country can be overwhelming, especially when it comes to understanding the local pension system and what your German pension payout might be.

If you’re an expat in Germany, figuring out how much you’ll receive from the German pension payout can feel like a puzzle. In this article, we will delve into different aspects of the German pension system, helping you understand contributions and potential payouts so that you can confidently plan for your future.

1. Understanding the German pension Payout system

The German pension system, known as the Deutsche Rentenversicherung, is primarily funded through mandatory contributions from employees and employers. It operates on a pay-as-you-go basis, where current workers fund the pensions of current retirees. As you may already know, the main types of pensions within the pension system are the public or state pension (Gesetzliche Rentenversicherung, GRV), company pensions (Betriebliche Altersvorsorge, bAV), and private pensions (Private Altersvorsorge). Understanding these components is crucial to estimating your future German pension payoutYou can read further information on pension plans in Germany on this link

People using a computer to understand factors influencing pension payouts

2. Factors influencing pension payouts

In Germany, pensions are commonly disbursed monthly to individuals who have reached the appropriate retirement age. The administration of these payments falls under the purview of the Deutsche Rentenversicherung, the country’s pension insurance agency. Pensions are typically transferred directly into the recipient’s bank account, forming the foundation of your German pension payout.

The following factors determine the amount of pension one receives within the German pension system:

1. Earnings. The higher your earnings, the higher your contributions, and consequently, the higher your pension payout.

2. Contribution years. The number of years you have contributed to the pension system significantly affects your final German pension payout.

3. Pension points. Throughout your career, you accumulate pension points based on your income relative to the national average income. These points are crucial in calculating your pension.

4. Retirement age. The standard retirement age in Germany is gradually increasing from 65 to 67. Luckily, the German pension system requires everyone to chip in with a mandatory pension contribution. This contribution, known as the Gesetzliche Rentenversicherung, amounts to 18.6% of your gross income every month (as of June 2024). Early retirement is possible but results in reduced benefits.

3. Calculating the German state pension

The calculation of the state pension in Germany is based on a formula that includes the number of pension points accumulated, the pension factor (which depends on the type of pension) and the current pension value. Here’s a simplified breakdown:

  • Pension points. Each year, you earn points based on your income compared to the average income, which directly impacts your German pension payout.
  • Pension factor. Generally, it is 1.0 for a standard old-age pension.
  • Current pension value. This is the monthly pension amount for one pension point. As of 2024, the value is approximately €36.02 in Western Germany and €35.52 in Eastern Germany.

Example calculation: If you have accumulated 45 pension points and retire with a standard pension:

  • 45 points x €36.02 (West) = €1,620.90 per month.

Moreover, pensions in Germany are subject to income tax. The taxable portion depends on the year of retirement, with a gradual increase in the taxable percentage. For those retiring in 2024, approximately 84% of the pension is taxable.

We highly recommend you to check out the Bundesregierung website (official Federal Government website) to request or receive your annual pension information and stay informed about your personal situation.

Old couple riding a bike

4. The Impact of Demographic Changes on the Pension System

Germany, like many other countries, is facing significant demographic changes that will impact its pension system and by extension, your German pension payout. The population is aging, with a growing number of retirees and a shrinking workforce to support them. This shift raises concerns about the sustainability of the pay-as-you-go system in the long term.


  • Aging population. As the population ages, there will be more retirees relying on pensions, while the number of working-age individuals contributing to the system decreases. This demographic shift could lead to increased financial pressure on the pension system.
  • Longevity. People are living longer, which means they will be drawing pensions for a more extended period, potentially reducing the amount of future German pension payouts.
  • Policy responses. To address these challenges, Germany has implemented reforms such as gradually increasing the retirement age and encouraging private pension savings. These measures aim to ensure the long-term sustainability of the pension system despite demographic pressures.

5. Recent Pension Increase: July 2024

On July 1, 2024, German pensions increased by 4.57%, marking the third consecutive year of significant pension growth. This increase, driven by rising wages and strong labor market conditions, will be applied uniformly across all federal states, eliminating the historical disparity between Eastern and Western Germany. The adjustment, which exceeds the projected inflation rate of 2.8% for 2024, reflects the favorable wage agreements that have contributed to this positive development.

Federal Employment Minister Hubertus Heil highlighted the importance of this increase, noting that it symbolizes a key milestone in the equalization of pension rates across the country. Previously, pension rates in former East Germany were lower due to different calculation methods, but legislative changes initiated in 2017 have gradually leveled these rates. The 2024 adjustment brings the pension rates fully in line across all regions, a year earlier than originally planned.

This upcoming increase will benefit approximately 21 million pensioners in Germany, providing additional financial security by enhancing the German pension payout in a time of rising living costs.

Pensions increase

6. Special Considerations For Expats

For expats, there are a few important things to remember when it comes to pensions:

  1. Bilateral agreements. Germany has agreements with many countries to avoid double contributions and to ensure that periods of contribution in different countries can be added together within the pension system.
  2. Residency. Generally, you must reside in Germany to claim the full pension. However, expats from EU/EEA countries and some other nations can receive theiGerman pension payout abroadFor more detailed information on how these agreements apply specifically to Germany, you can visit the European Commission’s official website here.
  3. Voluntary contributions. Expats who have not completed enough contribution years may opt to make voluntary contributions to enhance their pension entitlement.

With this information in mind, you can better understand how the German pension system works and what to expect in terms of your pension payout. By familiarizing yourself with the key factors that influence pension payouts, such as earnings, contribution years and pension points, you will be able to navigate the complexities of the system. 

If you need personal guidance, feel free to reach out to us. Our pension experts will assist you in helping you make informed decisions and secure a bright future, ensuring your German pension payout meets your retirement needs. Arrange a free consultation now! We also have a live chat feature available on every page. If you have any questions, just click to start a conversation, and our team will be happy to assist you shortly.” 

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I have had an incredible experience with Dabar Reimer. She is very well experienced and was able to provide solutions for multiple scenarios. I am very thank full to her and highly recommend having a discussion with Dabar before choosing your next insurance policy.
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They have been so patient and thorough with helping during every step. I couldn’t imagine doing this on my own!
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I have appointed with Alex as the to-go person for all matters. Honestly he is providing the best service someone can get in Germany, solving problems literally in minutes! Highly recommend MW Expat Solution!
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It was a brilliant experience with MW expat. Right from filling up my details online, receiving a prompt call to book an appointment for detailed discussions of my needs to finally having a zoom call to talk to an advisor face to face was quick efficient, and re-assuring. I had the privilege to talk to Adriana Gonzalez, who was nothing short of brilliant. She was extremely composed, utterly professional, and very helpful.

Explaining bAV: How to Boost Your Retirement Savings

Have you heard about the Betriebliche Altersvorsorge (bAV)? It’s a fancy term for company pension schemes in Germany, and they can really boost your retirement savings. But before you dive in, let’s take a closer look at what the bAV is all about, its perks, and the things you need to consider. Trust us, it’s worth understanding whether the bAV is the right choice for you.

Eligibility and Types of Employees

First things first, who can get in on the bAV action? Well, the good news is that all types of employees are eligible! Whether you’re a salaried employee, a trainee, a wage earner, a non-controlling share holder-manager of a GmBH, a member of a corporation’s board of directors, or an external person working exclusively for one company, the bAV is open to you. It’s not mandatory, but many folks choose it because of the awesome tax breaks and government subsidies it offers.

Man working on a computer
woman looking at options

Contribution Options and Tax Benefits

Okay, let’s talk money. With the bAV, you can ask your employer to convert a part of your salary into the pension scheme. This is called “deferred compensation.” Up to 8% of your gross salary (with a maximum annual limit of €7,008) can be directly contributed to your bAV. And guess what? The best part is that before taxes and social security contributions, 4% of your gross salary is automatically deducted. You can even choose to have an additional 4% deducted, which lowers your taxable income. That means more money in your pocket!

Retirement Benefit Options

When it’s time to enjoy the fruits of your labor, you’ve got choices. You can go for a full lump-sum payout, where you receive your entire saved retirement capital at once. Or, you can opt for a partial lump-sum payout, where you get a chunk (usually around 30%) upfront and the rest as a lifelong pension. Lastly, there’s the lifelong pension option. Depending on how much you’ve saved, you’ll receive a fixed monthly amount until the end of your days. Pretty neat, huh?

Portability and Investment Management

Now, here’s some good news for job hoppers. If you switch jobs, you can take your bAV savings with you. That means you don’t have to start from scratch when you join a new company. Your savings will keep growing, just like you! The bAV works similarly to private pension insurances, and your employer can choose an insurance provider to handle the investment side of things. They’ll make sure your money is in good hands and growing steadily.

Legislation and Employer Contributions

Since your employer saves on your social security contributions, they are required to transfer those savings over to you by contributing them to your bAV. So, you’re not alone in building your retirement fund — your employer’s got your back!

Age of Eligibility and State Pension Implications

Now, let’s talk about when you can start reaping the benefits. If you signed up for the bAV after 2012, the earliest age you can claim the benefits is 62. But don’t worry, you don’t have to rush. Most folks choose to claim their bAV benefits when they become eligible for the full German state pension. Just remember that when you lower your social security contributions through the bAV, your contribution to the mandatory state pension is also reduced. It means your government-run pension might be a bit lower, but hey, it’s a trade-off for the extra savings you’ve accumulated!


Phew! That was a lot to take in, but we hope you now have a clearer picture of the Betriebliche Altersvorsorge (bAV) and how it can help you boost your retirement savings. It’s all about understanding the eligibility criteria, contribution options, investment management, and the impact on your state pension. So, take your time, weigh the advantages and disadvantages, and decide if the bAV is the right choice for securing your financial future. Your retirement self will thank you later!